Contaminated water is real – each year in Australia there are violations to the Safe Drinking Water Act – involving over 20 percent of water treatment facilities – so the more you know about your water, the better you can protect your family.
According to the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines: “drinking water should ideally be, clear, colourless, and well aerated with no unpalatable taste or odours. It should contain no suspended matter, harmful chemical substances or pathogenic micro-organisms”. Despite these guidelines, our water supplies come to us at the point of consumption with many undesirable qualities.
Some of the contaminants ALPS water filtration systems can remove:
- Aluminium – There are clear links between Aluminium & Alzheimer’s Disease. Aluminium also raises the acidity of water.
- Bacteria & Protozoa – Examples include E.Coli, Coliforms, Cryptosporidium and Giardia.
- Cadmium – Accumulates in the body over a long period & may cause stomach cramps, kidney & liver damage.
- Chlorine – Used for the treatment of water supplies to eliminate many waterborne diseases.
- Fluoride – The addition of fluoride to municipal water is banned in many nations but not Australia. Linked to many long-term health defects such as compromised thyroid and immune system degeneration. In high doses is lethal.
- Lead – Lead-contaminated water poses a serious health risk to all ages, including learning difficulties, behavioural problems, mental & physical retardation, hypertension, strokes & heart disease.
- Mercury – Can cause ulcers, skin irritations, dental problems, internal bleeding, liver & kidney damage.
- Nitrate – Linked to the use of fertilisers & or sewage contamination. Nitrate reacts with other chemicals & forms Nitrite within the digestive tract. It can then go on to form carcinogens.
- Organic chemicals – Many of these originate from pesticides, weed killers, commercial & domestic waste.
- Pharmaceuticals – Include pharmaceutical drugs, ingredients in cosmetics, food supplements, other personal care products associated with recycled water and many other chemicals we may not be aware of.
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